CEDU Presents
Pictures of the 2002 Rebreather Party
The Glass Pool Inn on the Las Vegas Strip.
The 2002 Rebreather Party at the Glass Pool Inn was the place to be. Secretly funded by a reclusive classified government contractor who shall remain nameless, the party had all the making of a great time for one and all. Great people, great units, great food and drink, great swimming pool, great raffle, the introduction of the long awaited for CEDU T-shirts, and the (almost) preview of the short film "The Drip-Dry Gentleman Spy" soon to broadcast via cable on the nationally syndicated Spylab TV show, written and directed by Erick Simmel. As Spylab TV centers around the equipment and tools every super-spy type operative uses; "The Drip-Dry Gentleman Spy" follows the current day covert spy operations taking place right under our noses, showcasing the making and using of various (spy) equipment such as the FEOR or "field expedient oxygen rebreather". It truly was a "30 minutes from Home Depot to Covert Film Operations" experience. Watch for "The Drip-Dry Gentleman Spy" in a theater near you or on Spylab TV.
Great People
Most of the usual suspects were rounded up.
... and some unusual suspects showed up.
But everyone had a wonderful time. (See all the dentist approved smiles in the group.)
Great units displayed
Gordon Smith who makes the KISS, brought his latest little mixed gas creation which is ideal for dive travel. Tom Rose displayed not only his award winning pendulum unit, but his latest unit called the Hippocampus Celti using an RGU oxygen injector, two sensors/displays and a alternate air source for diluent injection and bailout use. Of course the CEDU had a few units, including the FEOR Light and the FEOR-2, my latest mixed gas unit with two sensors and 2 displays.
Gordon Smith with his latest creation.
Tom Rose's RGU Mixed Gas unit, and early Pendulum unit was seen.
And of course I had a FEOR Light, and the all new FEOR-2 to show.
The FEOR-2, my manual mixed gas rebreather, was shown in public for the first time at this DEMA. In addition I believe that Gordon's little Mixed gas unit also was seen for the first time at this show. (DEMA is the place to be. Who knows what will be revealed in 2003?)
Great Food and Drinks
No pictures, but the finest Beer, Wine, Shrimp and assorted Meats and Vegetables were provided for by the generous donation of our host Erick of OSS, CEDU & Spylab. And for the record, there was No admission charge for this event. A great big rebreather party Thank You to Erick.
Great Raffle
Another first was the Rebreather Party Great Raffle. Tom Rose donated the VHS video titled Underwater Warrior for a door prize. The video was won by Shelly. (Shelly can be seen holding her prize in the above picture standing between Dr. Bob and Tracy Robinette.) Tom Rose also gets a great big rebreather party Thank You.
As "Click & Clack"
would say. And now for the shameless commerce section....
Announcing CEDU's IPO (Initial Product Offering) to Rebreather Mailing List Members
The Official CEDU T-Shirt
It's True . . . . . . . . . . . CEDU's First item for Public Sale is Announced!
The Official CEDU T-shirt
was Exposed at this Rebreather party.
Yes, the official CEDU Dive Into Oblivion T-shirt is here.
Rebreather Party Attendees were the first to get their hand on them. You were not at the party, you say. No Problem! Now, you too can "Dive Into Oblivion" with the CEDU the easy way. (Just order one from me.) These shirts are the first items for public purchase offered by the CEDU, though they will not be the last. (Get them while you can. They are sure to become a collectors item.)
. .
Like Ken, Mike and Jim, Everyone wants to Dive Into
Oblivion with the CEDU
To obtain an Official CEDU T-shirt just send $22.50 in US Funds as a Check or U.S. Money Order to:
Dr. Robert Iannello
23940 Ironwood Ave., Suite C
Moreno Valley, California 92557
Specify Number of Shirt(s) desired,
Size(s) you want, (M, L, XL available)
Send Your Name
Shipping Address (Sorry, No P.O. Box)
The cost [$22.50] includes shipping, handling & other charges. Shipping method will be my choice, most likely UPS Ground. (What! No UPS Ground to your ice floe? If you have other shipping desires let me know, and I'll just have to find out what additional costs are involved. I will then bill you appropriately, to cover those, and my additional time and handling. For special shipping requests please contact me first at: doctrbob@gte.net ) (Oh, and for the record, I'm a Dentist, and bill appropriately.) Shipping will wait for personal checks to clear the bank.)
Discounts Available:
(1) Orders of 12 or more shirts.
>> 10% discount
(2) Active Armed Forces members. >> 10%
discount (military address required. FPO/APO/etc..)
(3) Members of the NEDU. >>
15% discount (because you were my inspiration.)
(4) CEDU Honors of the Association Recipients
>> 15%
discount (because that should be worth something)
Additional Information:
If demand exists, other sizes, and/or colors, and/or styles will be printed.
Eventually a CEDU Shop will be on line where shirts and other items of commerce will be made available for purchase. (Stay tuned.)
Don't be fooled by a black market knock off of these shirts. These Official CEDU T-shirts are made (printed) right here in the USA, (Moreno Valley, California), on genuine "Fruit of the Loom", 100% cotton preshrunk made in El Salvador T's.
Note: there are only two (2) ways for you to obtain an official CEDU "Dive Into Oblivion T-shirt". Either I Give it to you, or you Purchase it directly from Me. (And by the time you finish jumping through all the hoops you have to jump through, in order for me to Give you a shirt, you will have wished you bought the dam thing in the first place! So make life easy, shell out the $22.50, and Dive Into Oblivion with the CEDU.)
Of course you know that I will solicit images of you wearing the shirt doing the things you like to do, or in notable locations throughout the world, such as at meetings, recompression chambers, SDV's, DSRV's, lock outs, or during actual "in-country" operations. (If you cannot confirm or deny that you were even where the picture was taken, "sanitize" the image to protect your identity, or other sensitive items, or I will do it for you.) Be creative. There will be a yearly prize (to be determined) given to the best image submitted.
Thank you for your continued support of the CEDU.
End of the shameless
commerce section.... Now back to the Rebreather Party Webpage.
The Gentleman Spy...
A static display / mannequin in a tuxedo sporting a mock-up of an early
FEOR, was to centerpiece the video short “The Drip-Dry Gentleman Spy” for the
upcoming TV program SpylabTV featuring yours truly as the Gentleman Spy.
The Femme-Fatalle, her loyal son and a Gentleman Spy. Our not so secret host
Erick and ‘Oh-So-Secret’ Host
and his delightful daughter… When nothing but a FEOR will
Written, directed, edited and lensed by Erick Simmel at a
breakneck speed of 60 hours straight without sleep it was a dynamic effort to
get it show-able for DEMA. Unfortunately as the adage in show biz goes “its
finished when its finished” this was not. There was a problem with one track on
the tape, which prevented it's showing at the party. Corrections were finally
made and the clip was seen In DEMA at the USIA booth the following two days.
The Gentleman Spy showing at the USIA Booth/DEMA 2002
I will humbly say that my acting performance (my art), was marvelous, only to be out shadowed by all the supporting character actors (Ron Edmundson & Francis X. Gentile), the FEOR itself, and of course Bonnie, the film's Femme-Fatalle.
(P. S. You know the film will be available through the CEDU Shop as soon as DVD and Video copies are received.)
A Great Big Thank You to everyone who attended and made this Rebreather Party Possible.
"To Swim Is Human, To Dive Is SUBLIME"
Dr. Bob
Gordon Smiths KISS
Tom Rose's Hippocampus Celti
Tom Roses Award Winning Pendulum
FEOR Light
My Rebreather Home Page
In Memory of William Smithers
may others, I will miss Will.
Intelligent, witty and generous.
He answered questions I asked, shared a little laughter, and offered me items
I didn't ask for.
From the 2001 Rebreather Party, this picture brings back fond memories.
With a Gin 'n Tonic in hand, I toast you William Smithers.
Thank you, and may you rest in peace.
Robert Iannello