CEDU Announcement : 
Be it Known That there will be a...........................


Rebreather Party at  DEMA 2005

Due to funding ($) availability or non-availability, and/or leadership availability or lack thereof,
 a Rebreather party will happen.
As usual it will be arranged at the last minute.

You can expect a Rebreather Party / get together on
Thursday evening.
Time and Place to be announced.

 Dissemination of  Place and Time during the last hour of the show on Thursday,
Signs will be posted at Rebreather related Booths.
(How is that for vague info.)

Please don't call me.  I don't arrive until Wednesday evening, and I'm in the dark like you.
   All I have done is pledge a small amount of financial support.
(How much have you pledged.)


CEDU Cannot Conform or Deny
that a
Post Rebreather Party  Dive  will be Conducted
in some Waterway on the Las Vegas Strip.
(Just like last time....)


.....   the last time in 2002, after the wonderful Rebreather Party at the Glass Pool Inn, a CEDU detachment respected King Neptune and the Silent World with a Covert Operation in some undisclosed location. 

Neptune Smiles upon the FEOR 2

In honor of Neptune (at Ceasers Palace) CEDU took a little plunge in the holy waters at his feet.
The King was happy to see divers treading silently in his realm.





 Keep your heads up and your
 Units Ready to Dive.



CEDU says:  Be there !




----------------------------     Finally a commercial message  ------------------------------------
(by popular dedmand)

Official CEDU  "Dive Into Oblivion" T-Shirts will be available for purchase.

(Now you just have to figure out how to get a hold of one.)

----------------------------     End commercial message  ------------------------------------

Some links:

Memories of the 2002  Rebreather Party

My (CEDU) Rebreather Page        (I'm starting to use a new server)

CEDU / JAC a step back in Double Hose regulators

Battery Change M2