Red Alert --

SUB-LIME,Still World Champion:

    Sub-Lime, Dr. Iannello's Human Powered Submarine, which holds the World Record for Speed in the One-Person, Non-Propeller, Open Division, (established at the 1996 World Submarine Invitational, Escondido, CA), still remains Undefeated.

    The most recent human powered submarine competition, the 5th ISR held in Bethesda, MD (June 97) proved to the world that records are made to be broken as innovations and improvements of established designs produced vehicles which again shattered old records and leaped into world record setting top speeds. Both the One-Person Propeller and Two-Person Propeller category saw the establishment of new world records. 

    Omer 3 (1 person, prop) set a World Record of 6.97 knots, and Omer 2 (2 person, prop) set a World Record of 6.36 knots.

    In the One-Person, Non-Propeller Category, Silver Bucket, a "verturi turbine" powered vehicle finished undefeated with a speed of 0.56 knots. 

    SubLime sprinted through the course in 1996 with a top speed of 0.964 knots, thus still holding the World Record Time.

The Following are some Selected Photos of SubLime.
Do's Intro: Purpose - Belief SubLime's Dream Team 
Statement by an E.T.