The Crestline Experimental Dive Unit,
in coordination with a
Blue Team Unit Deployment
The Passion of Abalone
Photo by Ron "Gibson" WiseThe Story of a Man
Who Dived For Your DinnerIt was a holy time in the sacred CEDU Calendar. It was the anniversary of the birth of one of most holy and revered prophets, the Most True Blue Brother Ronald Edmundson, aka The Father (in utmost respect for his age).
A pilgrimage to his parish, the most Ab-Solute holy site, was undertaken to celebrate this event. Brother Nate and Brother Bob, and the most Blue and Wise other Brother Ron ventured to this sacred gathering spot. Also in attendance on this pilgrimage was the the most tolerant and understanding spouses; Jenny, Jane and Dorothy, in addition to other family members and friends, including those friends with Too Much Fun (Club) on their hands.
It was in commune on the Sea Ranch where we treaded "lightly on the land", dived "moderately in the ocean" and consumed "greatly of the spirits".
The ritual baptism in-the-sea where Ab-Solution was received, was undertaken by the Three Ab-Postle's. It was in the sea where we turned "watermanship skills" into dinner!
Though mere mortals, we trace our bloodlines from Neptunus Rex himself. In respect, we fulfill a ritualistic mandate of time immortal: to venture bravely into the Sea, and if our visitation is deemed worthy to receive its bounty.
The Three Ab-Postle's
The Father, The Son, and the Wholly Diver*(* Names have been changed to protect the Trinity, yet never once forgetting the CEDU creed:
"To design, assemble and use homemade dive gear while maximally stroking our own ego's and maintaining the merest semblance of sobriety for the benefit of mankind".)
The Northern California coast is not the most user friendly.
Ladders and repelling line was needed to gain ocean access.
Heavy surge and poor visibility is usually encountered, but worth the effort.
It came from the sea.
Red Abalone
[ Red Abalone: 7 inch minimum, 3 per day, 24 per year, no scuba used in collecting as per California Fish and Game]
[Remove from shell, clean away guts, etc to reserve the trimmed white foot, slice thin about 1/4" to 3/8" thick, pound to one half thickness or twice its area to tenderize, coat with flour, dip in milk/egg batter then dredge in Crushed Ritz crackers, deep fry in 1/2 inch hot canola or peanut oil, about 20 seconds on a side. Eat with lemon. Enjoy! ]
Happy Birthday RonAs much fun as Ablone diving is, that was not the reason for our weekend trip to Northern California. The real reason for this trip, as stated above, was to celebrate a fellow Blue Team member, Ron Edmundson's Birthday. (You see, we are that way.)
Happy Birthday Ron Edmundson
A True Blue CEDU'er from the start.
We wish you many more Happy Birthday's to come.
(And may you get your limit on each one.)
Smile, Bob, Jane, Thea, (Ron), Dorothy, Ron, Nate Jenny
Pictures from Ron's Dinner Party From a fine restaurant with wonderful ocean view a magnificent dinner was enjoyed by all. For entertainment, in addition to the Blue Teams' special song to Ron (see below), a couple of whales decided to loiter close in off the beach during cocktail hour and "Blow" their own special greetings to Ron.
Pictures of the dinner party are linked below.
(1) The "thumbnail image" is just a small portion of a larger picture.
(2) Click on the thumbnail link to see the entire snapshot.
Pictures of Flora and Fauna
(from Ron's neighborhood.)
(The picture of the Deer was taken along side Ron's house.)
Ron's Birthday Song As a special gift, this Blue Team Unit Deployment composed, choreographed, and performed this very special musical tune for our very special birthday boy.
(sing to the tune of "Wouldn't it be Loverly")
All he wants is a cold tall beer,
A big motorcycle and full leather gear,
Straight roads, no tolls, no steers,
Oh, isn't it Ron Edmundson.Lots of lobster for Ron to take
Lots of scallops to serve with steak
What's more, Fish & Game's on break
Oh, isn't it Ron EdmundsonThe, Ron Edmundson from the grand and distant Lone Star state,
He would never budge from Sea Ranch, 'till
Too-Much-Fun club was at his gate.Ron's old shotgun is in his truck,
Locked and loaded just for luck,
'If his dog smells a duck,
Aow, wouldn't it be Edmundson?Edmundson,
Edmundson.(continue to second verse)
All he wants is a cold tall beer,
A big motorcycle and full leather gear,
Straight roads, no tolls, no steers,
Oh, isn't it Ron Edmundson.Barbecue searing juicy meat,
Comfy chair and a whiskey, neat,
With lots of friends to greet,
Oh, isn't that just Edmundson.Down this cliff 'bout a hundred feet there is a lovely cove,
Where Ron limits Abs just like,
Each dive that he's ever dove.Hand rolled smokes are a Ronald must,
Spam and jokes sure to get you fussed,
So sure in God we trust,
But also in Ron Edmundson.Edmundson,
That Son of a Gun ........... Ron Edmunson.
Happy Birthday Ron.Now the fine print for the Lawyers:
California Fish and Game Laws for Abalone 2004 (Included just for fun)§29.15. Abalone.
(a) Geographic Area: Abalone may only be taken north of a line drawn due west magnetic from the center of the mouth of San Francisco Bay. No abalone may be taken, landed, or possessed if landed south of this line.
(b) Open Season and Hours: Abalone may be taken only during the months of April, May, June, August, September, October and November from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
(c) Bag Limit and Yearly Trip Limit: Three red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, may be taken per day. No more than three abalone may be possessed at any time. No other species of abalone may be taken or possessed. Each person taking abalone shall stop detaching abalone when the limit of three is reached. No person shall take more than 24 abalone during a calendar year.
(d) Minimum Abalone Size: All red abalone must be seven inches or greater measured along the longest shell diameter. All legal size abalone detached must be retained. No undersized abalone may be brought ashore or aboard any boat, placed in any type of receiver, kept on the person, or retained in any person's possession or under his control. Undersize abalone must be replaced immediately to the same surface of the rock from which detached. Abalones brought ashore shall be in such a condition that the size can be determined.
(e) Special Gear Provisions: The use of SCUBA gear or surface supplied air to take abalone is prohibited. Abalone may not be taken or possessed aboard any boat, vessel, or floating device in the water containing SCUBA or surface supplied air. Abalone may be taken only by hand or by devices commonly known as abalone irons. Abalone irons must be less than 36 inches long, straight or with a curve having a radius of not less than 18 inches, and must not be less than 3/4 inch wide nor less than 1/16 inch thick. All edges must be rounded and free of sharp edges. Knives, screwdrivers and sharp instruments are prohibited.
(f) Measuring Device. Every person while taking abalone shall carry a fixed caliper measuring gauge capable of accurately measuring seven inches. The measuring device shall have fixed opposing arms of sufficient length to measure the abalone by placing the gauge over the shell.
(g) Abalone Possession and Transportation: Abalones must not be removed from their shell, except when being prepared for immediate consumption.
(h) Abalone Permit Report Card. All persons, required to possess a sport fishing license, must have a nontransferable Abalone Permit Report Card (FG 2915 (New 12/03)) issued by the department while taking abalone. The Abalone Permit Report Card shall be kept with the fishing license while taking or attempting to take abalone. Persons diving from a boat shall keep the license and Abalone Permit Report Card in the boat. The Abalone Permit Report Card shall be completed as required immediately upon returning and boarding the boat with abalone. Persons diving from the shore shall keep the license and Abalone Permit Report Card within 500 yards on the shore. Persons shall, immediately upon bringing ashore an abalone, make a hole and completely remove the punched section from the report card in one of the designated locations for each abalone taken and record with indelible ink, the date, time, and location code in the spaces provided adjacent to the hole.
For the purposes of this section a boat is defined as any watercraft used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water (reference Section 9840(a), Vehicle Code and Section 6552(q), Title 14, California Code of Regulations).
An Abalone Permit Report Card shall be valid during the open season for taking abalone in the calendar year for which it was issued. No person may be issued or possess more than one Abalone Permit Report Card or any Abalone Permit Report Card other than their own. The Abalone Permit Report Card must be returned to the Department of Fish and Game at 19160 South Harbor Drive, Fort Bragg, California 94537, within 30 days of the close of the calendar abalone season.
(i) Upon purchase of the Abalone Permit Report Card, the card number shall be entered by the license agent in ink on the back of the angler's sport fishing license. The sport fishing license number shall be entered by th license agent on the Abalone Permit Report Card on the appropriate line
Amendment filed 2-24-2004; operative 3-1-2004.http://www.dfg.ca.gov/mrd/ab_regs.html
Note: No closed, or semi-closed circuit rebreather was used in taking these abalone. However, I must admit that I did rebreathe one of my breaths during a breath-hold dive just for the novelty of it.