Crestline Experimental Dive Unit
participated in the following
2002 Ocean Swimming Events
44th Annual Coronado Rough Water Swim
72nd La Jolla Rough Water Swim
Catalina Clearwater Classic
2002 was a very good year to Swim.
4 July 2002 44th Annual
Coronado Rough Water Swim
1 Mile
Though the plan was to
only participate in the La Jolla event, peer pressure can lead one into
the ocean more often. This last minute participation was a
most refreshing first ocean mile swim for the season. Refreshing
because the water temp was about 59 degrees. It was so "refreshing"
in that even upon exiting the pond at the finish, I was still shivering.
This was one of the coldest swims I can remember. Now after
having the the first "mile" under my belt for the season, I can say that
it was a good event. Erick as usual, finished ahead of me,
but it was nice to participate, and complete the course
I must add a solemn note
of remembrance for Retired Navy SEAL Bill Earley who passed away during
this event. Further info can be found on the following links: [Bill
Earley link #1] [Bill
Earley link #2]
8 September 2002
72nd La Jolla Rough Water
1 Mile
As always the LJRWS was a wonderful event and highly recommended. Unfortunately this year I was a bit disappointed in my results. My expectation of a faster time did not materialize, even though I accomplished more training and I felt much better at the finish that I ever had. I am finding out that the overall times for these events are highly variable and that it is really difficult to compare one year from another.
My friend Erick had a good swim, not only did he beat me as expected, but
he finished ahead of Jim Eubanks in the swim. This was the first
time he finished ahead of Jim in this event! Erick's smile shows
his joy. (Only time will tell if he can better Jim's time when
he reaches Jim's age! I don't think Jim has ever lost in his age
category in this event.)
times for 2002 LJRWS follow:
(Fastest Overall)
18:43:70 M - (19-24)
37:59:70 M - (40-44)
38:00:20 M - (85-89)
39:21:00 M - (50-54)
Another wonderful day in La Jolla.
CEDU 2001 LaJolla Rough
Water Swim
CEDU 2000 LaJolla Rough
Water Swim
P.S. This Was The Event.
For the record, not One person from the Rebreather
Mailing List stepped up to the plate, and took me up on my offer to Win
A FEOR. [See FEOR Contest
& Rules Page] I might make the offer again next
year. (Of course maybe there is no one on the list that can go the
mile for one of these things? And if you can't swim a mile......)
14 September 2002
2002 Invitational SUPERFROG XXIV Triathlon
1.2 Mile Swim - 56 Mile Bike - 13.1 Mile Run
In less than one week Erick obtained an invitation, recruited a biker, and talked me into participating in one of the team categories of the 2002 SUPERFROG Triathlon. (He has been threatening me with this for a number of years.) Though I had been training for a mile swim this season, Erick did the 1.2 mile swim and put me down for the half-marathon running event. Steve, a distance biker, was our ringer for the bicycle event. With all members accounted for the CEDU Watermen made their showing at SUPERFROG.
I have ran three L.A. Marathons, but that was over fifteen years ago. The only run training before this event was a two mile jog the Wednesday prior to it. Over the years I guess I have learned something about endurance events. The lessons about not pushing oneself to hard, and the lessons on maintaining a pace for the long haul, have been well learned. This 13.1 mile event took me 2 hours and 27 minutes to complete. My best time, with training for a full 26 mile marathon, (L.A. 1986) was 4 hours and 22 minutes. I was very happy to complete this half marathon with a pace that was only about fifteen minutes off my best time considering that: (1) I had no roadwork training, (2) more than half of the distance of the event was run in the SAND, and (3) I'm fifteen years older - though not necessarily wiser!
We may not have brought home any medals, but we didn't finish last either. Overall our performance was respectable. With high motivation throughout, we hope to participate again. (Maybe even the entire triathlon next time.)
Moki, Thank You, and Thanks to Everyone who made this Great event
SuperFrog XXIV
Individual Results
22 September 2002
Catalina Clearwater Classic
3.2 Mile
Start from Descanso Bay.
The Catalina Clearwater Classic was our the last swim event of the season. We joined Erick's friend Brook, and Christina (whom we met at the Superfrog last week) for participation in this event. Brook had trained for, and planned on doing the three mile swim. Christina was also interested in doing the 3 mile for the first time. What can I say, at this last minute the group talked me into another adventure: swimming 3 miles for the first time. (There goes peer pressure raising it's ugly head again). The race was actually 3.2 miles, but it seemed more like 4.2 miles to me at the time.
Brook (with his cheering section), and Christina.
It was a beautiful day for the swim, clear sky, nice water temperature
( in the low 60's), and as advertised: ClearWater.
This race had an in-water start from Descanso Bay. The course rounded White Rock, past Hamilton Beach and along the coast to dam near Toyon Bay. (I think the turnaround was supposed to be in the Gallagher's Beach area.) The course was lined with lifeguards on paddleboards and other volunteers in kayaks. A Baywatch boat and another race officials' boat was present. It was well supervised. For part of the swim, I felt that I had my very own personal lifeguard watching over me. My instructions to the lifeguard were simple: if I seem to dive underwater, I am not taking an opportunistic free diving along the course.....I am drowning, and it would not tarnish my ego to be rescued(Thank you). But once I finally got into a groove with my swim, I discovered that I was on my own. (I really do thank the lifeguards for their professionalism.)
Erick seemed to know that I would be fine at this distance. In fact it turned out that history was made. For the first time, I finished a swimming event (over three miles at that) ahead of my swim coach, Erick! This act of superior watermanship over him will be noted in my personal record book for eternity. (Let's not even get into a discussion about his leg cramps.... Be it two-tenths of a second, 20 seconds, or 20 minutes it makes no difference. We started together, and I returned ahead of him! Thanks for a good race. ) Of note, Brook did well in the race, his time was 1:38:54 for the 3.2 miles. Another forty minutes passed before I finished, and Erick finished a little after me. Cristina experienced severe leg cramping, and was not able to complete the event.
Regardless of what the elapsed time was for any given event, the important thing is to be able to participate, and of utmost importance is to have fun at it. And we all sure had FUN ! A wonderful day was had by all. Hope to be back next year.
We had fun both on the surface.
Group shot prior to in-water start.
And under the suface.
Erick enjoying the Casino Point dive park
with the FEOR O2 rebreather.
Bob conducting initial tests of the FEOR2 mixed gas rebreather at Casino Point.
It was an All Around Great Weekend. . . .
A little Scuba diving, A little O2 Rebreather Diving, A little Mixed Gas Rebreather Testing...
A little marksmanship. And had a nice boat ride back with Bonnie. But where is Erick?. . . can't wait to do it again.
BobTo Swim Is Human, To Dive Is SUBLIME
P.S. Where was Erick?
Erick missed the Catalina Express. Apparently he was off on another adventure, something involving racing Golf Carts I think. He took the next Catalina Express, and we finally joined up with our hero in San Pedro. Another adventure comes to a close.
(Until next time that is.)