Medical Miracle
A medical device, and treatment protocol has been shown to be effective in the treatment of Myopia and loss of Color Vision. Researches at the Nippon Experimental Dive Unit have observed a beneficial Vision side effect in research subjects testing a FIENO rebreather.
Subjects who had nearsightedness
corrected with eye glasses, and a Color Vision deficiency showed complete
resolution of Both of those problems after one hundred hours on the unit.
This unexpected result will no doubt be hailed throughout the medical and diving community as a miracle.
Minor side effects discovered by this study included, (1) an increase in melanin production resulting in a change in Hair color and Skin tone (most pronounced in Caucasians), (2) a stretching of the medial and lateral angle of the eyelids, and (3) the shedding of unnecessary clothing.
Brought to you by the minds
of the CEDU.
(Of all the things I lost, I
miss my mind the most.)
The above is presented as Satire.
(Please don't send the "NEDU" to hunt me down.)
I noticed that someone was selling a FIENO rebreather
on ebay today (1/22/03), see:
and I just couldn't resist the temptation to
"lift" the images from junkdude14's page and present the above.
(note: page/link is long gone. I must remember to copy/mirror pages I plan on
ref. in the future)
1. Images used without the permission of "junkdude14" or the
permission of either model, or the permission of FIENO.
2. The name "FIENO" may be a trademark, and is officially used
without official permission.
3. Satire used on these pages are presented for entertainment
purposes only. Any humor obtained is coincidental.
4. Medical benefits either stated or implied on this page is
officially fictitious in nature.
5. I have no financial relationship with any party(s) mentioned
on this page, and wish everyone well. (I just thought those two pictures were
made to be placed next to each other.)
Dr. Bob