1998 Rebreather Party, Fullerton California
(Thank's to Tracy, et. al.)

Come One, Come All.

....................And the Winning Number Is...

How many rebreathers can you find in this picture.
(And yes, those are balls that you see on the table.)

SA-II Genesis in Camo........

JimH with Ninja

And after the Rebreather Party, some Rebreather Training/Certifcation took place.....

Pool Session in the Alpine Motel Pool,
SA-II Genesis (Camo Removed) by R. Iannello, on left, and
ST-1 by Ron Edmundson on right.

(Hand-to-hand training, surface practice.)

ST-1 underwater.

CEDU Recruit Initiation. (Back to the pool gentlemen...)

(Oh, by the way, the CEDU did purchase the Keg of Beer.)

(If you want to get involved in the exciting CEDU activities, please fill out an [ Application ].)
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