Crestline Experimental DiveUnit
Attention Divers with a “Can Do" Attitude:

The Crestline Experimental Dive Unit (CEDU) is accepting applications to join the Exciting and Challenging Research being conducted in the fields of underwater Life Support Equipment, Human Powered Submarine competition, and various other underwater activities, operations and developments (as deemed necessary by the Director and/or other higher agencies/authorities).

The CEDU has a long history in the field of underwater activities with connections dating as far back as the original Civil War Bell Divers. Current developments in life support equipment include the SIOUX-AIR ,GENESIS and BONES closed circuit rebreathers. CEDU is also proud to have been instrumental in the development and production of SUBLIME, a Non-Propeller Human Powered Submarine which set a World Record in 1996 at the World Submarine Invitational; a record which stands to this day.

Although at first glance it may seem a bit tongue-in-cheek, the CEDU Mission Statement: "To Design, Assemble and Use Homemade Dive Gear While Maximally Stroking Our Own Ego's and Maintaining the Merest Semblance of Sobriety for the Benefit of Mankind" is actually quite profound and has withstood the test of time.

Membership requirements into the CEDU will include the Construction of and the Diving of the FEOR. Plans and specified materials will be provided by the CEDU. (The FEOR: Field Expedient Oxygen Rebreather, is a fully functional underwater manually operated 100% oxygen rebreathing life support system.) Other membership requirements will be assigned at the discretion of the Director.

So if you think that you have what it takes to be a part of this exciting field of underwater research and development, and you feel that you possess skills which will contribute to the overall mission of the CEDU, please fill out the following application and send it to the address below. All submitted information will be kept in strict confidence.

Good Luck, and I hope to see you in "The Tank". (P.S. This Ain't No Club.)

Sincerely, Dr. Robert R. lannello, Director, CEDU

“To Swim Is Human, To Dive Is SUBLIME, To Suck Thine Own Bubbles is Extreme."

Crestline Experimental Dive Unit, P.O. Box 6292, Crestline, CA 92325


[ Link to Membership Application ]